The battle with weeds is an endless one. 

Nancy continues to fight the wicked little wildflowers that choose to reproduce in our garden.  Never fear, they cannot win!

                                       March 31, Nancy pulling weeds

Even Thibodeaux is fascinated with her persistence.  She is pulling weeds from the spinach row that was under plastic all winter.  Notice the size of that spinach.  Compare it to the row directly behind her.  That spinach was under a cover of snow rather than plastic.  Not quite as large, are they?  By the way, we had spinach salad for dinner.   YUMMMMM!
  We try to garden year-round.  People always ask us, "What on earth do you grow in the winter?"  It is pretty amazing what will grow up here.   

A walk through our garden on March 22.  Move your cursor over each picture for a guided tour.

purple sprouting broccoli

                                                                            overwintering kale

green onions in foreground and beets behind them

                                                                                      And of course, cabbage!

Spinach - just think, only a few weeks ago it was under 16 inches of snow.

                                                                dependable Swiss chard

Cilantro - one of our favorites!   It consistently survives the worst weather looking beautiful.

                                                                     This lettuce went unprotected all winter.

chives - they're planted under most of the fruit trees in the orchard.

                                                         Garlic - a 40' row of the wonderful stuff.  Parsley is protected in the white box at the end.

    Even the strawberries are starting to put on new growth.

                                               Rhubarb - the hardiest plant in the garden -- grows inches a day this time of year.

     And last but not least, the blueberries are popping out.
                                                                       Blueberry buds

The down side of such a wonderful garden is that the weeds are doing the same thing , popping up everywhere.  So Nancy turned into General Sherman and marched to Atlanta --

               Nancy flame throwing the garden.

                                                                 Scorching the earth.

Then, of course, there are flowers starting to bloom as well.


                                                                       vinca, just getting started

crocus are so beautiful white crocus



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