This is the ridge above Long Shadows back in 1933.  The rock formation we call "The Castle" is visible in the center, but you can tell that the trees up there are very skimpy.  A lot of logging went on back then.  We think the structure is located at the far edge of the meadow we see from our house.
The ridge 1933
ridge in 2008
This is the same hill, taken from our living room in January, 2008.  The trees have really rebounded in 75 years.  To make the comparison easier, the photo was converted to black and white. 

The Making of Long Shadows
We think of Long Shadows history as starting in 1995, but it really goes back much farther than that. 
It just wasn't called Long Shadows then . . .
































October, 1996
We arrive!  Energetic, excited, naive.  Totally unaware of how much work lies ahead.  
With all of our possessions loaded in a moving van, a Ryder truck, and a 22-foot trailer,
we felt like the pioneers in their covered wagons -- BIG covered wagons. 


We have arrived!








This has got to go!
The original garden