Dining at Long Shadows
Now, we're not going to put ALL our secrets out here!
After all, how can we wow you when you visit,
if we've already told you how we do it?
But we'll let a few secrets leak out.


Spring is getting closer, and one way we can tell
is the asparagus showing up in the grocery store.
Here's our favorite way to eat it.  Well, one of our favorite ways.

1 T olive oil
1½ lb slender (¼" wide) asparagus
¼ c (½ oz) grated real parmesan (not the stuff in a green can)
3 T balsamic vinegar
Prepare asparagus by washing and snapping tough ends.  Peel lower section if necessary.
Put a 10" ovenproof frying pan (cast iron or roasting pan) or ovenproof steak plates in oven and preheat to 500.  Remove pan from oven.  Swirl oil in pan. With tongs, roll asparagus in oil to coat all surfaces. Bake until tender-crisp to bite, about 7 minutes. Scatter parmesan on top.  Drizzle with vinegar.  Serves 4.

From Sunset Magazine 4/96

77 cal, 5.6 g protein, 4.7 g fat per serving

Actually, we never measure. 
A splash of oil; a heaping spoonful of parmesan, a couple dashes balsamic.
Mmmmmm....... if no one is watching, we drink the leftover vinegar from the dish!

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