It looks like Summer is OVER!
The rain came early this year.  Temperatures have started to drop.  Fungi have started to pop. 
It must be fall. 
The colors are beautiful at Long Shadows.  The trees are turning color and the leaves are turning loose.  The world seems to be filled with mushrooms of in a variety of colors and shapes.  A few summer flowers are still hanging on.  The garden has turned into a new luscious area.  No more tomatoes and squash, no basil and hot peppers.  They are finished, pulled out, chipped and added to the compost pile.  In their place is crimson clover (cover crop to enrich the soil and keep back weeds) just getting started.  While the world around is turning red and golden, the garden is verdant - so green it is amazing.

Japanese maple


Big leaf maple

A few nicotiana still in the garden

Crimson clover starting to kick
Maple by the barn glowing gold

Hydrangea showing beautiful color

Peony starting to turn

Summer ended a little too soon for the blackberries

Mushrooms are everywhere!

Blueberries look like flaming bushes.

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