The Workaway Adventure Continues
March, 2019
At noon on the last Thursday in March, a pair of Workawayers arrived, plus dog.  Eva, Sergio, and Mus are from Valencia, Spain, and have been traveling the world for three years:  Latin America, Indonesia, a 7-month bike trip from the southernmost point in Europe (Spain) to the northernmost point (Norway), with Mus in a bike basket! We were afraid they'd find Long Shadows boring after such exotic travels.  They've been in the US since January, freezing in the Mojave Desert in their converted van.  At least, here they will be warm and dry.

They were eager to get to work, right away.  So we showed them the grove behind the house, full of limbs from February's snowstorm. Pile 'em up!

A new Workaway experience for us and Cocodrie too.
What a wonderful dog.
Mus (pronounced like Moose) took time out from chasing Cocodrie to visit the worksite.

First evening meal - pizza!
They photographed the food almost every evening.

First day: pile up limbs. Second day: burn them.

Dianne thought we'd need to pull down this limb (broken in the snowstorm) with the tractor.
Nah, Sergio, Eva, and Nancy hauled it out by hand.
Looks like Sergio is taking credit!
(Notice the raincoats. Showers kept moving through.  So much for warm and dry!)

Cocodrie loves having more people to love on her.
But she's jealous whenever Mus gets any attention.

Friday evening we all experienced local culture:  Open mike night at the Idleyld Lodge.  Saturday, Charlie arrives bright and early. We've bought from BLM the trees along our road taken down by the snowstorm. Charlie will buck them for us.  Time permitting,  he'll take down some madrone firewood as well.  When we're all done, we enjoy a long leisurely lunch of red beans and rice, and Charlie is delighted with Eva and Sergio's travel tales.  The next day, he calls with instructions to play a song for them:  Me and You and a Dog Named Boo.

Charlie makes it look easy.

Eva and Sergio load up the rounds.
They made many trips up the road to the firewood stack.

Sergio watches Charlie drop a huge dead madrone.

Sunday is a day off.  We head to Fall Creek Falls to show them one of our favorite hikes.  It's quite a surprise for us too, as we discover damage left by the snowstorm. 

Hiking Fall Creek Trail

We're amazed this huge tree didn't do more damage to the trail.

We reached a place where a slide almost wiped out the trail.

Navigating through the slide was treacherous and muddy.
One person at a time! 

Fall Creek

A photographer's unique perspective.

Catching the waterfall in the perfect light

                                                                                               photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo
Fall Creek Falls

The happy hikers
photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo
After Fall Creek, we head to Frank and Jeanne Moore's house to introduce our guests to the North Umpqua legends. 

Fly fishing lesson for Sergio

Sergio, the biologist, finds a snake.  Look at that smile -- he's one happy guy!

Fly fishing lesson for Eva

Evenings were full with long conversations and games.
Sergio and Eva are excellent photographers and videographers.  They have a YouTube channel where they post videos throughout their travels.  Even while they were working, their cameras were nearby to capture moments and scenes. They have a drone which they flew over Long Shadows to capture stunning perspectives.  During their time off and late evenings, they spent hours editing.

The Dynamic Duo working hard during their time off from work.
photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo

 Cocodrie: "I'm top dog around here.  Do you understand me?"
Mus:  "Can we discuss this in a civilized manner?"

continue to segment 2