photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo

The Workaway Adventure Continues
March, 2019

We spent hours talking over the dining room table, trading stories and becoming good friends. Eva and Sergio were fascinated by our experience of finding and creating Long Shadows. They asked if they could create a video telling our story. Nervously, we agreed.  This would be a first for them as well as for us, as they had never filmed others before, only themselves.

Everyone pitches in after meals.

Cooking lesson: "This is how you make Cuban Chicken."

Filming a video for their travel blog.

Setting up to interview us.

One more bonfire.
photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo

A trailer load of firewood delivered to the house.
Note  Mus getting into the action, as usual!

All our Workawayers become proficient at driving the tractor.

The weather turned really, really wet.  Between rainstorms, they still insisted they wanted to get outside and work.  Okay, there are still limbs littering the ground along the driveway. Have at it!

An amazing transformation!

Top pile was what we had on hand when these 2 energetic young people arrived.
The second, much longer, pile is what they added during their stay.

They also cleaned all the forest debris from three large areas and burned two bonfires. And pulled a million weeds in the garden. And helped plant onions and fertilize. And brought potted plants from the greenhouse to the patio. And cleaned the front deck.  And a dozen other chores. Not to mention washed hundreds of dishes!
Torrential rain -- 9" in 2 days - raised the river level dramatically.  "You've got to see this," we told them, and headed down toward Glide.  A few days before, they had filmed the river a gorgeous blue-green color with white ripples.  Now it was high, wild, and milk-chocolate brown.

Filming and photographing at the Swiftwater bridge.

The waves washed over the fishing platform,
normally at least 10 feet above the water.

In the rain at Tioga Bridge

The rain never dampened their spirits or smiles.

We expected Workaway to help us get work done. 
But we got so much more than work from these Workawayers. 
We thought we might meet some interesting people. 
But all four of us were changed by the experience.

We feel as though these two delightful people have become part of our family -- friends forever. 

All four of us had tears as they drove away -- and plans to meet again.

                                                                                                                                    photo courtesy Sergio Luna Naranjo
Two wonderful, dynamic, joy-filled human beings - Sergio and Eva!