The Workaway Adventure Continues
May, 2019
These 2 workawayers brought their own home with them. In the banner above, that trailer is a self-contained tiny home, complete with wood-burning fireplace. Its "logs" would be kindling for Long Shadows!

Matt and Carla dove right in with the gardening chores. 

Seed starting mix in the cups

Next, seeds in the cups

Then the transition into working with firewood

There is always more firewood to retrieve


Big rounds hauled out with a dolly

Bringing split wood into the barn

A little entertainment time

They had never experienced hummers landing on fingers

Hauling in the heavy stuff - madrone

Log splitting can now be added to the resume

Matt quickly learned an easier way to split wood - sitting down

A never ending cycle

Lots of rounds waiting to be split


Transitioning to fir - a much lighter load

Partners in all the work

The rounds keep coming

Clearing the ground,
in preparation for fire season

Real tidy cleanup

Hauling limbs to a burn pile

The Supervisor gets so tired watching all this work!

Trim and stack

Trim and stack


A day off meant a visit to Crater Lake.

Back to the garden and weeding

There is no end to the weeds

Pulling small weeds from the crimson clover cover crop

Matt and Carla got a lot of things accomplished during their stay.