Workaway Saga Continues

Day 5:  It was raining.  Harold and Priska worked outside while we worked inside.  Dianne got them started, then left them splitting that huge pile of wood.   Split the wood, fill the trailer, drive it to the barn, stack it, split, fill, drive, stack, split . . . .

Meanwhile, we worked on Wildflower Show stuff, taxes, building this webpage, and washing 4 loads of clothes.

The dynamic duo working in the rain

Split the wood

Put it in the trailer

The repetitions go on and on,

and on . . .

A man who likes his job!

At the end of the work day the pile is much smaller.
Row 5 and half of 4 are gone!

This bay is almost full.
That means 2 cords have been split and stacked.
One half a year's firewood usage!

At the end of the day Harold told us he doesn't believe all of this wood will fit in the barn.  We had already realized that.

And the good news is: there are still piles of rounds in two more places on the property that need to be hauled to the wood pile, split, and stacked.  We don't  know where those will be stacked, because Harold and Priska will fill our barn in another day or two.  But those jobs will be given to Workawayers #3 for 2018.  Yes, more help is coming in May, 2018.

After lunch, the workers headed to the Rock Creek Fish Hatchery.  After they returned, Priska prepared the evening meal, a Swiss specialty of pasta, potatoes, ham, and gruyere cheese. What's not to like?

Day 6:  Still raining.  Today is a different kind of work.  Harold did tractor maintenance with Dianne, and Priska shelled chickpeas with Nancy.  Both jobs were under a roof.

This man knows how to do everything!

Snug and warm inside the solar building
while others work outside.

This fuel filter cup is really dirty!

Giving Cocodrie a little attention while checking email.

Day 7:  STILL raining.  But a little rain does not deter these two workers.

Driving the tractor over to the splitter. 

Backing the trailer up the easy way.

Harold grabs a log and brings it to the splitter.

Priska splits it while Harold grabs another.
Real teamwork.

When the 4th bay was full,
we told them they HAD to stop splitting.

They have split and stacked FOUR cords.
That is a year's supply of wood.

This pile went from 2-1/2 rows up to 5 full rows.
Now it is back down to 1!

Last job of the day: clean the tractor and those boots.

Now was time for some fun.  We ate lunch, and all four of us headed out for a hike.  We wanted to show them some Oregon wildflowers so we drove to the Swiftwater trailhead.

One of many beauties of the hike - sessile trillium.

Harold and Priska under an old growth Douglas fir.

Fern Falls, the destination.

We drove back and left Harold at the foot of Boundary Road a little after 6 pm.  He got in a 10 mile run before dinner. 

Day 8:  The sun was shining!  It was not a work day, well at least not for the Workawayers.  Off to Crater Lake for a day of adventuring. 

The drive is always impressive this time of year.

Crater Lake

"Greetings from Oregon to all our friends."

Mt. Thielsen
Day 9:  It was raining again.  Welcome to Oregon.  Time for laundry, then a drive to Roseburg for more wine tasting.  Tomorrow Harold and Priska leave Long Shadows, headed to the Oregon coast then Idaho, for more adventures and their next Workaway stay.