Roosevelt Elk

Very Special Visitors to Long Shadows
The morning of December 28, 2008 we looked out our window and saw several elk
digging around in the melting snow looking for something to eat.

Winter visitors

WOW!  In all of our years living here we had not seen more than one or two elk at a time in our front yard.  We considered this to be a wonderful treat.  Little did we know, that it would happen again. 

Saturday, March 28, we came downstairs to discover an even larger herd of elk in the front yard.  We grabbed the camera and put Thibodeaux into the laundry room to quiet him.  He had spotted the big guys too.   The entire herd got nervous and kept watching the house.  We weren't sure it was our movements or the sound of the dog that had them edgy. 

A view out our front windows.

                                       The view out our front windows.

The view from the library window
                                                                                                                                                             The view from the library.