Cocodrie loves to play.  She gets all excited when one or the other of us will assume the play bow.  As we walk toward her we will suddenly stop, lean very far forward and throw our arms out to the side.  The dog instantly responds with the universal dog gesture for play.  She drops her chest to the ground, slaps her paws on the ground with her rump up in the air.  She is ready to romp.  All of a sudden she will dash toward you.  Running as fast as she can, she aims directly for you and at the last minute veers to one side or the other.  Makes a wide circle and runs back at you again.  If you egg her on, she makes wider and wider circles.  We yell at her, "Run, Coco, run!  Go, Coco, go!"  She will run entirely around the house and come at you like a wild thing. 

She is a blurry streak when she has it in high gear.  It is hard to capture the essence of the run with a camera.



She loves to run in the snow too!