Long Shadows becomes a winter wonderland when it snows.  All of us love the snow, as long as it doesn't stick around too long.  January of 2017 we had an exceptional amount of snow.  If you've never experienced 16" of snow, here is a hint at what it can be like: beautiful, fun, artistic, a lot of work.


Cocodrie tries to catch a snowball. 


Nancy with the snow-couple as the snow continues to fall.

Cocodrie fetching a stick tossed into the snow.


View from the living room.

Here is where the work comes in.  You have to shovel the snow off of the concrete or else when you drive over it, it turns into an ice skating rink and the car goes crazy.


"Hey what happened to my bench?"
One of Cocodrie's favorite places is buried.

It snowed some more overnight.
That means you have to shovel some more.
You won't get a workout like this in the gym!


We have to shovel off Cocodrie's bench too!

Cocodrie gets small snowballs in the hair on her feet.
But this is nothing compared to Thibodeaux's distress.

Now this is SNOWBALLS!

Let's play Queen of the Mountain!


The snow lasted long enough we were running low on firewood at the house.  The snow was too deep for the tractor axle much less the small trailer it hauls.  We had to dig a road through the snow.  It was maybe 350' long and 5' wide.  We tried to do an internet search to determine the weight of that much snow.  It was tons and tons.

With every snowfall, the power always goes out.  We have battery backup for the house and a generator to take over when the batteries run out.  As you can see, even if the sun is shining, you don't make power when the solar panels are buried in snow.


We had been snow bound for days.  No way we were going to attempt a drive down our hill.  The neighbor tried it and her story scared us silly.  So we went for a hike.

This is a bobcat track.  We followed it in the snow.  It walked up our road, took a turn in our driveway and headed to the barn.


The snow makes some very artistic designs.

The snow is slowly beginning to melt, but it certainly is pretty.


The ice forms some beautiful crystal patterns.

The sun helps with the artistic creations.