Christmas is a very special time at Long Shadows.  There is the trip to the Christmas tree farm, the selecting of the perfect tree, the chainsawing of the tree, the struggle to get it to the box trailer.  It is a struggle, because we like BIG trees.  We try to cut a 12' tree because it fits perfectly in front of our living room window.

Then it takes 2 days to trim the tree, unless there is a mishap or some catastrophe.  One year we didn't have the tree quite straight in the stand and the day after we finished with the tree, it toppled over.  Broke only a couple ornaments, but dumped a gallon of water on the rug.  Not fun to say the least. 

Here is a glimpse of what Christmas is to us.

Something like 1,500 lights on that baby.  Twelve feet tall and 9 feet wide. 

A very rare White Christmas.

OOPS!  Naughty tree was sent to the corner after toppling over.  Had the fan on for a couple days drying out the wet rug and pad beneath it.
The Thigpens had a long family history of gift wrapping Christmas presents that were beautiful.  We have brought that tradition to Long Shadows.  Hours are spent decorating packages, creating bows and custom made gift tags.  Because they are so beautiful, we linger over them all day.  We open a few in the morning, then eat breakfast.  Maybe a couple more, then make phone calls to friends and family to exchange best wishes.  Maybe start on Christmas dinner, then return to gift opening.  Depending upon what the meal it, we make have to make multiple stops to tend to the food.

We eat dinner in late afternoon or early evening.  We set the table with one of our grandmother's china and crystal.  We do it up in style.

We started the meal with a pears and apple salad.

Then followed it up with crabmeat au gratin for a Cajun Christmas.