Ashleigh's Graduation

A major life event happened in May 2017 - Ashleigh Muscarello graduated from LSU.  She earned a BS degree from the school of engineering in Construction Management.  Look out world here she comes.

This was to monumental an ocassion to not be there.  So off to Louisiana to celebrate!

Arrived late Wednesday, May 10th.  Thursday we celebrated just being in Louisiana by eating a big lunch of boiled crawfish.  YUMMM!  Friday was the big day.  Attended commencement at LSU, then went out with the entire family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sister).    Saturday Ashleigh hosted a party at her home.  More Cajun food!!!! 

Sunday was Mother's day, so Patrick took his whole family plus Nancy, Claudette and Dianne to Ralph and Kakoo's -  More Cajun food!!!

Tuesday we flew back to Oregon, but first a trip to City Park.  Ashleigh, the artist, wanted to show us a cool outdoor art display.  Of course we stopped at a local seafood restaurant and had fried shrimp po-boys - more Cajun food!!!

Ash on her way to the stage

Ash receiving her degree

Now the photo shoot begins - Ash with her proud parents.

Too much family to include everyone, since it is our webpage, our photo is included.
Ash and Trett

Ash and Eric, a fellow Construction Management graduate and one of her best friends.

Some of us wondered about this photo.
Patrick explained that when he graduated from LSU he was holding Ashleigh in his arms.  So he wanted to hold her for her graduation.

The inspiring moment.

The Party

Kim made a cake for Construction Management grads!

A little fried catfish, boudin balls, and crawfish tarts
We are in Louisiana that's for sure.

The weather was perfect

The two graduates

Lots of eating and talking.

They put their heads together to discuss the Fire Ant nest.
Of course, moments later the little lady was screaming as fire ants filled her sandal.

Is this a possible Construction Management candidate?

Even the dogs were having a great time.

Mother's Day lunch

An afternoon ferry ride across the mighty Mississippi.

The theme from Titanic is playing inside Nancy's head.

Local wildlife enjoying the day too.

City Park art walk.
Moss in Oregon just doesn't look the same!
Neither do the oak trees!
More of the local wildlife.